A crown is needed when a tooth is damaged extensively and can no longer sustain a filling. Our porcelain crowns are strong like natural teeth and look very natural in appearance.
A crown is needed when a tooth is damaged extensively and can no longer sustain a filling. Our porcelain crowns are strong like natural teeth and look very natural in appearance.
Benefits of Porcelain Crowns
They replicate the original function of the tooth
They create a natural look since they are sculpted to perfection
A great choice for a person who has damaged their teeth due to grinding.
When a tooth has been traumatically inured whether by trauma or decay.
Benefits of Porcelain Crowns
Your tooth is broken or decayed and too much of the original tooth is missing.
Your tooth had root canal therapy
You need a crown for cosmetic reasons
You need a crown for cosmetic reasons
To protect a weak tooth from breaking
To replace ill fitting or old metal crowns
To hide the effects of erosion/acid reflux, grinding, and staining from years of wear and tear.
Here is an example of a Full mouth reconstruction from a patient who has a combination of erosion, staining, and years of grinding.
What to expect when getting a dental crown?
Numb the tooth
Take an impression of the original tooth and a shade that matches the neighboring teeth.
Remove all of the decay, old filling material, and the outer shell of the tooth
Take a final impression of the tooth to send to the lab, where they will design the crown
Fabricate the temporary crown that you will have in your mouth for the next few weeks. Avoid eating anything sticky, crunchy, or chewy. When flossing, use long floss only and remove the floss from the side only. If it comes off at any point, put it back on your tooth with toothpaste and call our office immediately to have us glue it back on with temporary cement.
After a few weeks have passed and the permanent crown has arrived, we remove the temporary and place the permanent crown on the tooth. We make sure that it fits well and that you like the color, shape and feel. There may be some minor adjustments to the crown before cementing it permanently. Once it has been decided by the dentist that it fits well around the tooth, meaning, no open margins, good contact in between teeth, great occlusion with the opposing teeth, and good shade, then at that point, we will give a mirror to the patient to make sure the patient likes the color of the crown before cementing it permanently. The cement does feel a bit cold, so the patient may request to be numbed for this procedure although most patients prefer to not be numbed for this procedure.
After cementation is completed, it takes 24 hours for the cement to set. It is advised to not eat anything sticky, crunchy or chewy for the next 24 hours. Flossing is advised, but floss carefully for the next 24 hours. Push the floss in between the teeth and remove the floss from the side and NOT from the top ridges of the tooth as it will remove the crown.
After 24 hours, you can now use the permanent crown like a normal tooth. Always be aware that this crown needs to be brushed and flossed like any other tooth and can develop a cavity if oral hygiene is not maintained.
Contact us to schedule your Porcelain crown consultation. If you are interested in getting dental crowns, give our team a call. We will be more than happy to answer any questions and schedule your consultation. Visit our contact page to view our hours of operation and for the directions to our office.